Browsing Neo4j data with Siren: For fun and fraud fighting (updated!)
Siren Platform 10.2 released
Siren 10.1 is available: Graph aggregates, excel/csv imports and (much) more
Introducing Siren 10 - Part 2
Transformative Enterprise Knowledge Graphs initiative announced at Strata
Siren Platform 5.4.3-3 released (..and version 10 is coming!)
Welcome Siren Platform
Kibi 5.4.0-beta 2 & Kibi 4.6.4-4
Big Releases: Kibi 4.6.4-1 and Kibi 5.2 Beta-1
Kibi in 2017- Alerting & Reporting, Access Control and Advanced Graph capabilities
New: Siren Join 2.4.1 compatible with ES 2.4.1
What's new in Kibi 4.5.3: CSV Export and more..