Kibi in 2017- Alerting & Reporting, Access Control and Advanced Graph capabilities
New: Siren Join 2.4.1 compatible with ES 2.4.1
What's new in Kibi 4.5.3: CSV Export and more..
How did we marry Kibi & Keyline Graph Analytics? The Webinar
Kibi 4.4 is here: graph analytics and more...
Kibi Enterprise Edition is here! What's new?
Kibi/Kibana and Hadoop? Meet us @HadoopSummit 2016
Dr. David Huynh joins Siren Advisory Board
Kibana 5: your plugins will break at every update
Kibi 0.3.x is out! What’s new & what’s coming?
Joins for ES 2.x! Announcing SIREn Join 2.x
The latest values in Kibi/Kibana -REST Datasource