Siren 13.4 Introduces Unprecedented Scale and Speed Alongside New Patent
US Law Enforcement Agencies Struggle To Connect Digital Evidence Across Multiple Domains
Start-up Founder and Former i2 Group CEO, Bob Griffin, Appointed As Siren Chairman
Joining 15 billion records in seconds: the new Siren benchmark.
Siren Federate for Elasticsearch 8 Released
Siren 12.1 released
Introducing Siren Platform 12: Committing to search and flexibility for analysts
Mobile Device Data Fusion with the Siren Cellebrite Connectors
Siren Federate Elasticsearch plugin v25 released: now with runtime field support (join on composite keys)
Up to 250% faster joins in Elasticsearch with Siren Federate version 23.0
Introducing Siren Platform 11.1
Siren Federate 22.0 release: Understanding Federate search requests with the explain API