Investigative Search for Cyber Threat

Searching for cyber threats in oceans of data

Those tasked with protecting the most sensitive and critical networks are proactive in their threat stance. They have lots of data, internal, vendor data, free open sources. But out of billions of rows of data how do you stay alert to what is relevant and a real and present threat? How do you know what matters? What if you miss something very subtle?

Alert to the urgent, prioritize your actions & find bad actors before the damage is done.

Siren Platform delivering Search to find threats through correlations

Siren has been used extensively in both government and corporate threat search scenarios. The unique ability to do big data joins, at scale, via search engine technology (Elasticsearch) leads to unprecedented insights in floods of data. With large scale data correlations it is possible to understand what is urgent versus important in the data, prioritize actions and find bad actors before they do damage. And with the ability to visualize in knowledge graphs and to alerts on particular search patterns, Siren gives a huge level of comfort to the threat analyst. Siren enables rapid onboarding of in house, commercial and OSINT data sources into a single platform.

National Security Cyber threat monitoring on critical infrastructure
Case Studies

National Security Cyber threat monitoring on critical infrastructure

A major western country was establishing a national cyber monitoring service to help protect critical national infrastructure. This was a major challenge in establishing a service quickly as foreign cyber attacks had become more and more of an issue.

Cyber Risk Analysis Demo with Siren. Elastic, OSINT, ATT&CKCyber Risk Analysis Demo with Siren. Elastic, OSINT, ATT&CK
Siren for cybersecurity on Elasticsearch – Use case: Firewall/Blacklist alertSiren for cybersecurity on Elasticsearch - Use case: Firewall/Blacklist alert
Siren for cybersecurity on Elasticsearch – Use case: Leaked email investigationSiren for cybersecurity on Elasticsearch - Use case: Leaked email investigation

Siren is very exciting!

“Siren looks amazing and is so much more efficient than existing methods. It’s very exciting!”

Public Trust and Safety Analyst at a major tech firm